Academic Facilities

Train with the best

On Campus Facilities


A large hall designed for public gatherings, lectures, and performances, equipped with seating and audio-visual facilities.


A dedicated space for hosting seminars, discussions, and smaller presentations with seating arrangements for interactive sessions.


A quiet area furnished for reading and study, providing a conducive environment for academic pursuits.


A department focused on assisting students with job placements, organizing recruitment events, and fostering connections with potential employers.

Student Accommodation

Campus Life


A room designed for conducting group discussions, allowing participants to engage in collaborative conversations on various topics.

PI Room

An interview room designated for conducting personal interviews (PI) during recruitment processes or academic evaluations.

Board Room

A formal meeting space equipped for discussions and decision-making by a board of directors or executives.

Computer Labs

Specialized rooms equipped with computers and relevant technology to facilitate practical learning and research in the field of computing.

Centralized Facilities

health and study

Staff Cubicles

Individual workspaces for staff members, providing privacy and a designated area for their professional activities.

Admin Office

The central administrative hub where organizational and managerial tasks are coordinated and executed.

Essential Facilities


Boys Common Room

A shared space for male students to relax, socialize, and engage in recreational activities.

Girls Common Room

A designated area for female students to unwind, socialize, and participate in leisure activities.

Suggestion Box

A receptacle for anonymous feedback and suggestions, encouraging input from the community for continuous improvement.

First Aid Kit

A stocked container with medical supplies to provide initial care for minor injuries or illnesses.

Essential Facilities


WiFi on Campus

A network providing wireless internet access across the campus for connectivity and information retrieval.


A space equipped for the storage and preparation of food and beverages for staff and students.

Security Cabin

A designated area for security personnel to monitor and control access to the premises.

Sick Room

A room intended for students or staff who require rest or medical attention due to illness.

Essential Facilities



A room dedicated to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, responsible for monitoring and enhancing the quality of education and institutional performance.

Exam Control Room

A centralized space overseeing the logistics and management of examinations within the institution.

Lush Green Lawn

A well-maintained and verdant outdoor area providing a peaceful environment for relaxation and outdoor activities.


Designated areas for vehicles, ensuring organized and secure parking facilities.
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