Employer Feedback Academic Year 2023-24

academic performance and ambience of the institution

Employer Feedback
Academic Performance and Ambience of the Institution

Name of Company

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Email ID of the company

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Mobile of Company

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How would you rate the his/her general communication skills?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her ability to develop practical solutions to work place problems?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her functional and technical knowledge and skills?

Clear selection

How would you rate the his/her ability to manage/ leadership qualities?

Clear selection

How would you rate the his/her relationship with seniors/ peers/ subordinates?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her involvement in social activities?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her willingness to learn new skills?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her creativity or innovative techniques?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her overall attitude?

Clear selection

How would you rate his/her overall academic performance?

Clear selection

How would you rate the Class room -Infrastructure

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How would you rate the Laboratories and Systems?

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How would you rate the Library facilities and Books available?

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How would you rate the Drinking water facility?

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How would you rate the Canteen and Mess facilities?

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How would you rate the Washroom Cleanliness and maintenance?

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How would you rate the Other services like photocopy and Bank?

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How would you rate the Facilities for differently-abled person like ramps, lifts, etc?

Clear selection

How would you rate the Greenery in the college campus?

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How would you rate the Overall Ambience?

Clear selection

The objectives and outcomes are clearly stated for each of the course.

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The curriculum has a good balance between theory and practical.

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The electives/open courses offered are relevant to the latest technology.

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Curriculum bridges the gap between industry and academic.

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