Mentor-Mentee Program

Academic Year 2023-24

Mentoring is one of the aspects of teaching-learning process. While teachers and students interact regarding the curriculum in the class rooms and laboratories, students also need to speak up about other issues they face apart from curriculum. Read More ➤

The very purpose of the Mentor-Mentee Program at SIBAR is to take care of the overall development of students in terms of academic performance, building the career of students in terms of academic performance, motivate students to take up challenges .At SIBAR each Batch/Division has a coordinator who is responsible for day to day monitoring of the classes. Apart from the class faculty coordinators, Mentors (faculty) are allotted to groups of students. Each group consists of 15-20 students. The mentor monitors the performance of the students under their mentorship. The mentor mentee meetings are scheduled twice/thrice a semester.

The mentors also encourage the students to share their personal problems related to study, mess, hostel, fees, and try to give proper solutions to problems . The emphasis is also laid on class participation, raising queries, and responsiveness in the classroom

Certain students are introvert and are confortable to communicate in small groups. There are some very general issues like mess, library, lodging, conveyance, which students face in their everyday life.

Mentoring process is basically implemented to create a cohesive environment for the students, where they will be able to open up to explain their thoughts.

Faculty members use mentoring as an opportunity to communicate to the students and find the solutions for the problems students face. Faculty members also use the mentoring process to encourage the students to participate in various events undertaken in the institute, they encourage the students to study well, strategize the study process and various other topics are also discussed.

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