
To develop responsible citizens with values and futuristic global perspective emphasising
digitalisation, applied research, innovation and sustainable development.


To create a center of excellence by imparting quality education through experiential learning,
collaborations, incubating inherent talent, encouraging research, entrepreneurial spirit and
adoption of technology to excel in the global environment.

Short Term Goals

  • Digitalization – Transforming processes by introducing modern digital infrastructure.
  • Research – To inculcate research practices/culture among the stakeholders.
  • Industry Academia collaboration – To keep pace with the industry expectations and bridge the skill gap.

Long Term Goals

  • Innovation and Incubation – To nurture ideas and encourage entrepreneurship.
  • Reskilling and Up skilling – To enhance knowledge based competencies through extensive development programs.
  • Sustainable Development – To protect, restore and promote an evolving learning ecosystem.

Quality Policy

SIBAR is committed to provide quality education to the aspiring professionals through –

  • Key thrust on creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and motivating environment towards holistic growth of individuals
  • Highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, consultancy and continuing education
  • Safeguarding the development of self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

Core Values

A well-fortified institute, SIBAR is mindful of delivering a holistic educational experience by recognizing, reforming and celebrating. SIBAR`s core values are built on the principles of:

  • INTEGRITY: Being morally grounded in all that’s done.
  • PROFESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND PERSEVERANCE: Attaining excellence at work and beyond.
  • RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP: Utilizing individual capacity for the wholesome growth of the community.
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